Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Katy or Pharrell?

Dark Horse by Katy Perry

Happy by Pharrell Williams

We're Back!

Guys… We are half asleep and half writing this blog post. We can’t believe a new term began already. Are you ready to go to school? Waking up at 6 o’clock every morning? Staying up until about 1 am to finish your assignments and essays? Mountains of homework waiting for you to finish. Listening to LECTURES which could last more than 8 hours?!?! Oh My God... Guys…  We think we won’t be able to take this pressure! L We know this is silly but one of us even tried to eat more than 4 ice creams everyday hoping that she will be sick to stay in her warm bed with hot chocolate and her precious laptop… But her plan failed.
And now, we are sitting here in the SCHOOL, writing this blog post about our boring school life. You think sitting in the library writing a blog post is interesting? ... well… THINK AGAIN! When the new term started, horrible things started to happen to us and this was the worst …Oh My God! The food! The schools’ new term promises were to change the food menu. For us, nothing changed. They said there will be food from all over the world but honestly… It was so “different” =)) from last term. No… just no… Please! Please improve the school lunch or else we will end up eating each other alive! And you don’t want that to happen! OK, Enough about food.
Even though Valentines had passed long time ago but our teacher stil
l forced us to write about it. So it was a special Friday. Do you know what day it is? VALENTINES DAY <3 Did you have a chance to give your special someone a box of chocolates? A bunch of roses? A love letter? A romantic night out? Or just a simple “Happy Valentines day”? If you don’t have a valentine, don’t worry! Be like us! We bought a box of chocolate for ourselves and sit in the corner of the house, enjoying every piece of chocolate in the box. This was written by Ha and Thu My from 8LA.